swim times and entry handling information
If you have a query about entering meets, how entries are processed, this page may help before contacting us.

Swim times
Whenever you race you will get a swim time result (unless you are disqualified).
Times achieved in Open Meets will be entered onto the Swim England rankings database. These are official times and can be used for entering other subsequent meets.
Once you are competing regularly you may want a quick link to the Swim England database on your computer, as it will log all your swim results. This is the link:
This is a really useful site to visit. If you click on an individual event, you can see your swimmer’s history in that event – a great way to see progress! The same is available in SCM, login, click on the green clock icon, from there you can see PBs, are use the search criteria to specify the stroke, length and course. SCM can also plot a graph of results over time to visualise performance.
However in addition to the above site, all swimmers are expected to keep their own log of PB’s. In SCM, you can download current PBs as a PDF file and print.
How swimmer's times are imported into SCM
Only times published on British Swimming rankings will be imported into SCM, ie. no manual updates. A club hosting a meet or gala typically submit the results to British Swimming rankings within 24 hours of completion of the meet/gala, however, the time it takes between submitting and them appearing on the rankings database is normally one to two days later, meaning Tuesday or Wednesday or sometimes Thursday assuming the meet finished on the previous Sunday.
British Swimming provide no technical mechanism to import times automatically regardless of swim management software used. Times are imported via a manual process of using British Swimming software called Club Rankings which does allow results of swimmers from our club to be downloaded and then manually imported into SCM. Results are only accessible with this software where WCPSC is registered as the swimmer's primary club.
Our aim is to import results every Wednesday / Thursday depending upon how quickly the times are published on the British Swimming rankings database.
If you believe you are missing times, please contact IT Support using the contact form.
Swimmer's joining WCSC from a different club, or who are not registered to WCSC as their primary club
Where a swimmer is joining us from another club, or, where WCPSC is not registered as their primary club, results from meets are not accessible to us, only their PBs. As a consequence, although we try to pick this up, sometimes, their PBs are not associated with their record in SCM. If this is the case, please contact IT Support using the contact us form.
In this case, we are able to manually import a swimmer's PBs using a combination of the Club Rankings software, a spreadsheet that reads the output from Club Rankings and creates a file that SCM can read. This process is more manually intensive than pulling results of a meet which is why this is only done when needed. SCM itself works out PBs based on all the results a swimmer has to date.
We kindly ask if a swimmer is not registered to WCPSC as their primary club, to contact IT Support each time they get a new PB(s) so that the above process can be executed for each swimmer concerned.
Swimmer achieved a new PB after entry for meet has opened
For times that are imported after an invite is sent out: for events swimmers have already entered, their PBs are always refreshed before their entries are submitted to the host club, this means they will should be correctly ranked for the event they have entered.
For events a swimmer has not yet entered, as soon as results are imported and where SCM determines they have a new PB, this is instantly visible on the event selection screen. This means when an event is shown because the swimmer has a qualifying time, it will show the current PB known to SCM at the point time the person clicked on the link in the invitation email.
If the swimmer’s original PB did not qualify for an event, but when updated they do now qualify, the event will appear for selection at the point in time the link in the invitation email is clicked.
Time conversions
The meet organisers specify how conversion times are handled, SCM follows the "conversion code" they have set. Typically, conversion works as follows:
For short course - check the best short course time or converted long course time (whichever is faster) against the short course qualifying time. If they qualify, enter the best time (converted or otherwise) as a short course time.
For long course - check the best long course time or converted short course time (whichever is faster) against the long course qualifying time. If they qualify, enter the best time (converted or otherwise) as a long course time.
SCM follows official ASA conversion tables.
You can convert a time using SCM by using the left menu and navigating to Members > Swim Times > Convert Swim Times.
Ability to change entries
When entries are submitted using the electronic entry form, SCM may or may not allow entries to be amended upto the deadline. This is determined by the open meets team, if you have any queries, please use the contact form and select open meets in the drop down.
Swimmer entry closing dates
Closing dates are set by the open meets team to ensure there is sufficient time to collate received entries, validate and submit to the host club before their submission close date. Late entries are not permitted - SCM locks the swimmers entry form preventing submissions or changes.
Open meets, competitions, meets, galas, help, times, pbs