Why choose Penguins?
Welcome to Winchester City Penguins Swim School. We are proud to be a well respected swim school that has been delivering highly effective and enjoyable swimming lessons to local children and adults for over 70 years. Find the right stage for your child to register.

We run a thriving Learn to Swim Programme focused on providing the highest quality swimming lessons possible to ensure that young people develop water confidence, as well as excellent stroke technique. We operate under the STA’s International Learn to Swim Programme, which provides progression opportunities for all ages and abilities from pre-school to pre-competition standard.
Our competitive roots set us apart from other swim schools, as our club structure means learners are able to progress into WCSC Squads or to other aquatic pathways locally, whilst being taught and coached by qualified staff who are often members of our club’s competitive and performance squads themselves.
What makes us different?
We provide lessons to swimmers as young as two years up to adults
We cater for all ages and abilities. Our programme is broken down into different stages and provides a pathway which enables the non swimmer to start with us and progress up to eventually joining either a competitive squad or social swim programme if they choose to.
We have low teacher to student ratios
With a maximum of five to a class for our Learn To Swim, the highest ratio we provide is 1:5. In our non-swimmer lessons, we also deploy our Aquatic Assistants under the direction of the class teacher, making the ratio 1:2.
We offer small class sizes
Our lessons will be limited to a maximum of five swimmers per class for our Learn To Swim (Stage 1 to 5), with numbers increasing to a maximum of just six for our most advanced classes.
Our lessons are affordable
Our 30-minute lessons are ONLY £14.25 each! Many other Swim Schools charge around £21.00 for half an hour, which is the cost of our HOUR LONG lessons.
No rolling contract
You only need to sign up for one term at a time. We do not run our termly lessons over the Easter, Summer and Christmas break – so you aren`t tied in to paying for lesson over the holiday period which you may not be able to attend! However you are still welcome to sign up to our holiday courses if you would like to continue to swim.
We are accredited
We are the only swim school in Winchester awarded with Swim England Swim Mark Accreditation – which recognises excellence in governance, sustainability and effectiveness. Swim England describes our lessons programme as delivering the best possible Learn to Swim experience for all!
Our programme is inclusive
By employing a number of teaching assistants to work alongside our lead teachers in the water, we are able to adapt sessions around the needs of individual swimmers.
We have qualified instructors
Our Lead Instructors are fully qualified. Lead teachers are often assisted by trainee teachers. Many of our lessons swimmers progress through our lessons programme to become swim teachers themselves.
We offer a personal service
We have a supervisor present at every session to assist with any queries you may have. They oversee each session and ensure swimmers are in the correct classes for their ability.
We are a charity
We are a registered charity, committed to leading the way in offering accessible swimming lessons to the members of our local community.
We celebrate progress
Having partnered with the STA's International Learn to Swim Programme, we award badges and certificates to our swimmers at the end of every term, free of charge.